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I have learned much about the prefix “De” during the pandemic. As a Latin prefix, it has the function of undoing or reversing the action of the verb. After decluttering, I have continued in the process of the undoing and reversals. I was in step with the chronological timing as I had approached my three-year mark (2018-2021) of ‘Change.” More importantly, I was in Kairos (the right, critical and opportune time/ moment).The call to crucial action of what has been brooding in my spirit for the last three years and waiting in anticipation for the expected outcome.

In 2020, Holy Spirit impressed in my spirit to “Be Prepared for the Unprepared.” This did not make intelligent sense to me; however, Holy Spirit was teaching me about His navigation and listening intently to when He is speaking- things, which do not match my human wisdom.

What was next on the heart of Abba, was par for the course for preparation and navigation. My intent was to make my physical home more beautiful with some adjustments to my kitchen and new paint throughout the house. Abba’s desire was for me to experience another transformation and He used my home in demonstrating both the process and progress. The transformation entailed the whole person (spirit, soul and body). Here was my pivotal moment- motion and maturation juxtapose. The parallel in time, both equally important. To my surprise, I did not expect what I heard in my spirit. – Deconstruction-- the breaking down of things into components for analysis and assessment. Anatomizing, decoding and unraveling. The origin of deconstruction in the literal sense is tied to building and architecture.

I was going to need many more tools/strategies ,and materials for what was ahead. Deconstruction was not possible without Demolition- tearing down of structures that were outdated, insufficient, too small and had an unstable foundation. I am a person of order and organization, but I am cognizant about not being a perfectionist. Why- because I do not want to create unrealistic standards that are self-made rather than God made. Furthermore, it was more advantageous to put my energy where it was most productive and beneficial. Order meets messiness- I had to engage messiness and frankly, disorder. Messiness and disorder were the things I had judged and criticized. I entered what seemed like a war zone, as I watched with nervousness and reservation, the contractors tearing up areas of my home that were sacred to me. The ability to endure the rigorous process has truly tested my sanity, but as I continue to rest in Abba- during the in between moments, and the be patient whispers from mind to heart, my mantra has become “ It is Well.”

After sitting with the realization that extensive work was required. I asked Abba some questions - What walls are being torn down in me?

What new structures are being erected and established?

What was I making space for that was yet seen?


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If you are like me, transitions are not a comfortable process. My prayer is that journey transitions will minister to you. The new era came with unexpected life adjustments, and challenges. Yet my sense is that many of us have grown/ matured and learned to appreciate our lives, family and friends from a new and fresh lens.

In 2021, I began the process of “ decluttering my home.” I initially was focused on decluttering as I knew it- getting rid of the unnecessary things in my home and creating spaces that were more functional.

“ Declutter was first recorded in the mid 20th century. It was formed by adding the prefix de- to the verb clutter. The noun originally meant a clotted mass and the earliest verb meaning was to clot or coagulate. “

Medically speaking, coagulation is a critical process, which prevents excessive bleeding when a blood vessel is injured. In more simple terms, when you cut or injure yourself, your body stops the bleeding by forming a blood clot. “ Normal coagulation assists in the healing process. Conversely, blood clotting disorders occur when some clotting factors are missing and damaged.

Although, I did not want to be locked down, it gave me the opportunity to be still and examine my heart and clear my mind. Decluttering was part of my healing where I was unaware that injuries had occurred and it prevented me from figuratively bleeding out. It is related to being healthy holistically( spirit, soul(mind) and body). Decluttering gives us the amazing opportunity and benefit to clean and cleared out the unhealthy and unnecessary things we have stuffed down, shut away and been in denial about.

As I removed clothes from my closet to give to someone that really needed them, there was a sense of relief and freedom. I could sense the breath of God as I inhaled and exhaled with new vigor. As we can all attest to, during the pandemic, the ability to breathe with ease has become so much more precious and unequivocally cannot be taken for granted.

Decluttering has therapeutic benefits as it has been found to be a stress reducer in the long run. It creates an atmosphere/environment of tranquility and assist us in managing our lives with purposeful control and structure.

While decluttering, I openly repented for having copious clothing and shoes I had not worn for many years and simply did not need. I could hear my mother saying to me, “ What are you doing with so many clothes and shoes, and shaking her head with a look of, Really Sandra.”

Abba Father impressed in my spirit that He was taking me through another phase of letting go( surrendering first to Him and secondly to another metamorphosis in being more conformed to His image). It was not an easy or pleasant process at times. I would stop at different intervals to assess if I should keep a piece of clothing or shoes. I still have a second round of decluttering my closet. The victory is in the fact that I gave away seven bags of clothes and three bags of shoes. Holy Spirit did not stop speaking to me at the place of letting go. He gently whispered, “ I am expanding your capacity for me and where I am taking you.” ABBA Father showed me spaces of His glory that were opening up, ceilings that I had reached, but figuratively kept bumping my head because of fear of the unknown. I saw possibilities of walls coming down in me and externally within my living space.

I Corinthians 15:46 paraphrase: First natural and then spiritual. Do not miss or ignore what is going on in your natural environment/ atmosphere. It is most likely tied to a lesson and revelation from Holy Spirit. Your next metamorphosis/ transformation is on the horizon and will require some work on your part. There may be painful moments, frustration, second thoughts and struggle in order to possess the God ordained manifestation of revealed fruit. It is so worth the temporary inconvenience.

Decluttering opened up the pathway for ABBA Father to deal with me about my next journey transition. You will have to wait patiently for my next post- Coming soon!

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Three vital words for 2020: Sound, Speaking and Sending Get ready for the new sound we will hear as we enter into the new era. The sound will shake us out of the place of familiarity into unknown places that bring a refreshing and reconstruction of how we hear. We are called to be an essential voice in the earth-realm. Men are speaking lies as if they are the bonafide truth. There is an emphasis on language and the articulation of words from heaven to earth. We will no longer speak the traditions of men and from a religious lens, but as we move in His Glory, the body of Christ shall be truly known as the oracles of God. Here I am Lord, send me. The wrestling and unrest one may sense in one’s spirit Is the prelude to the new territories one will invade, cultivate and establish. Lack of movement is not an option in 2020. If we do not move with Holy Spirit, we will find ourselves left behind.

I speak today to the “ spirit of paralysis and the “spirit of fear”. I pronounce that you are beginning to feel the movement of the Spirit of God in every part of your being. Fear is leaving and you are rising up. There is a shift in your thinking to move in and with Holy Spirit.

~ Apostle Cassaundra Bunkley

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